



2025/03/10 (Mon)

Can You Really Hack The Game For Free Madden Coins?

Can You Really Hack The Game For Free Madden Coins?

The cheap madden coin Draft starts today and, alongside this, there are many reasons why you should be playing Madden Mobile in particular! Madden Mobile are bringing in the Class of 2017 with an awesome line up of events, including (but not limited to) putting the Top 10 Picks straight in the game in real-time as they get drafted through new Live Events, Sets and Packs.

The Live Events

On the night of the Draft itself even, the Top 10 picks will be placed right in Madden Mobile. Following the selection of a player, there will be a simultaneous Live Event where you can play as that player as soon as possible!

Rookies can also be earned through completing Sets and in special packs. Following the Top 10 NFL players, the last of the first round will be entered into the game on Friday (4/28).


During the NFL Draft Program, Live Events and Packs will include “closed envelopes”. The way that this will work is you can then trade the closed envelopes in for podiums, which can then be traded for open envelopes which will correspond to one of the Top 10 Picks of the mut 19 coins.

It has been stated also that open envelopes will be able to be listed on the Auction Houses, but those from closed envelopes will not.

There’ll be even more surprises in store throughout the Draft, so make sure you’re set up for an awesome night of football and entertainment on your phone too! Get that winning team for yourself.

2018/12/14 (Fri) 未選択 CM(0)
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