



2025/03/11 (Tue)

Lets Go Into the World of Warcraft Together

Nowadays nearly everyone especially the young are not strange to World of Warcraft, even if they have never played it. It is a kind of large network game which is known as MMORPG. Once you have played it, you will never forget the excitement and joy that it brings for you.
The buy wow gold is a real-time strategy game, developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Its first public beta was taken in North America in 2004. On November 23rd that year, Blizzard Entertainment began to release this style of game in the United States, New Zealand, Canada, Australia and Mexico. You will never guess that just at the first day of release, his game won the complete support from all the players. And the numerous players nearly get the server down. The popularity showed the great success of World of Warcraft. At the beginning of 2005, South Korea and Europe also held the public beta and began to issue this game. Likewise, the response is fiery. This game formally came into the mainland of China in June, 2005. Since its appearance, World of Warcraft swept China and countless young boys became crazy about it and cannot tear themselves away from it.
In April 2008, cheap wow gold got a share of 62% in MMORPG market. By the end of 2008, the number of subscribers of World of Warcraft had already surpassed 11.5 million, and it successfully went into Guinness World Records.
After more than 10 years of development, World of Warcraft has turned to a magic world which owns the enormous and complete story background as well as huge history structure. All kinds of set are highly appraised by players. Have you been attracted by this game now and do you want to have a try? Then go ahead! You won¡be regret IGXE!

2017/01/18 (Wed) 未選択 CM(0)
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