



2024/10/17 (Thu)

Do you think a crash diet is the answer to your weight problem?

Do you think a crash diet is the answer to your weight problem? Do you want to drop the pounds fast, and think if you "be good and follow strict guidelines," you can achieve the body of your dreams? The truth is, you can hope all you want, but crash diets never work. Instead, you'll get fatter and you'll end up disliking yourself and your body even more. The reality, is that crash diets are a waste of time, and they will leave you feeling miserable. Here's what you need to know about crash dieting:
They never work!
Crash diets are a false premise. They fill people with ideals and false hope, that they can achieve weight loss in a short amount of time and have the body of their dreams, while neither is realistic. If most people stayed away from them, they probably would have lost most of the weight they've wanted by now. Instead, they waste time on things that'll never teach them what healthy lifelong weight loss takes. Fads don't work, and they keep you trapped in a weight loss battle. They're designed by corporations and authors, hoping that you'll fail, and be ready to buy the next big promise that'll come along. And they're smart, because it'll take you a longtime to catch on that they don't work, and for you to decide to stop handing over your money. I'm sure you know by now, they won't work, so isn't it time you stop trying them. The problem is you keep trying because you want to believe and have hope. You can't keep putting your faith in these things. There are real ways to lose weight. You need to have patience and have faith best diet pills that work in the things that do work.
You'll keep trying and keep failing.
Do you think the next time you try a crash diet, "you'll be good and able authentic mzt pills to stick with it?" Is that honestly going to happen? No matter how much you try to convince yourself, it's impossible to stick to a crash diet. You'll need to starve, stop eating the foods you love, you'll be miserable and grouchy. What will you have for your efforts? You might not even last 2 days. You'll end up binging because original meizitang your starving and not allowed to have the foods you want, and you'll end up putting on more body fat, the consequence of putting your body into starvation mode. You may not realize it, but you need to eat consistently to lose weight and burn body fat.
It'll make you a yo-yo dieter.
The sad part, is yo-yo dieting causes us to get fatter and look worse than when we began. Every time you try and fail, you'll probably binge a day or two, and then say, "ok, I'll start again tomorrow." Then, you try cutting out your favorite foods again, and guess what happens? You can't do it. You give in again, and there goes a ?? gallon of ice cream and/or a package of cookies. When you don't follow a plan that's sustainable by you, you've put yourself in a "place," where you're susceptible to failure. This is why you should never think of the short-term when it comes to weight loss. If you make positive changes to your lifestyle, you won't go up and down in weight, you'll have stability, and you'll lose the weight and keep it off for good.
Why shouldn't you enjoy losing weight?
Most people think for weight loss to work, you must feel miserable. If it's easy, even fun or enjoyable, they don't believe it can work. Dispel any notion, that a diet needs to make you feel miserable for you to have results. Changing your habits and moving towards healthful eating, is actually a wonderful learning experience. You don't only change your body, you gain health. You'll end up enjoying exercise and new challenges, enjoy foods cooked healthier, and learn new variations to those "not so healthy" ways you used to cook. You'll become a lot more particular with how you do things in many areas of your life, and your old ways will no longer be acceptable. You'll find that you enjoy doing things you never thought you would, and you'll end up enjoying a new way of life. Losing weight doesn't need to be a life sentence. It should be done by making changes you're comfortable with. This is where compromise comes in. Also note, what works for someone else, you may not be able to stand doing. You need to be ok with the changes you decide to make, because you must stick with them to have lifelong success.
There is a grim reality of crash dieting. Most people end up heavier, having health issues, and may end up with an eating disorder. Crash diets don't work, and it'll cause you to lose confidence. Each time you fail, you'll try again, because "you're sure you can stick with it this time." Crash diets are not something you can talk yourself into. They are too hard and near impossible. By continuing to try, you're doing a disservice to yourself. You must be kind to yourself, and crash diets are anything but kind. Lose weight by making sensible changes overtime, the ones you know you can stick with. You don't need a crash diet anymore. You need slow and steady, and too turn your healthy changes into a new lifestyle.
See also:
- Weight Loss Series: This Is Where Your Weight Loss Begins! Read On... - Day 49
- Weight Loss Series: What Kind of Weight Loss Plan Really Works - Day 45
- Weight Loss Series: Eat Chocolate Lose Weight - Day 33

2014/06/05 (Thu) 未選択 CM(0)
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